Saturday 31 December 2011

Friday 30 December 2011

- Exhibition Booth 1.6 -

Detailed Top Plan
This the previous top plan. I've added the real measurements. This is the actual size of the booth. All units are measured in meters.

Detailed Top Plan with descriptions.
Above is the top plan of the booth. This time, it is complete with labels of what's what.

Thursday 29 December 2011

- Exhibition Booth 1.5 -

Top Plan

This is the rough idea on how the booth will look like from the top. More features and details will be added soon.

Stay tuned.

Tuesday 27 December 2011

- Exhibition Booth 1.4 -

For this project, we are only required to produce a 3D modelled exhibition booth. No need to 'build' one like the previous bus stop project. So, we've decided to use Google SkecthUp to model the booth. The recommended softwares are either 3DsMax or Maya or other 3D softwares such as 4D. Unfortunately, I didn't have the installer for 3DsMax so I guess I have to use Google SketchUp. Besides, I'm used to Google SkecthUp more rather than 3DsMax. I've been using Google SketchUp since 2006 while I've only learned 3DsMax last semester.
But, by using Google SketchUp, I have to bear in mind that my outcome would be low in quality because Google SketchUp is somehow limited in terms of tools and features. I've talked and discussed this matter to Amiza and she said okay but she'll actually try to model the booth using 3DsMax.

Thursday 22 December 2011

- Le Modulor -

This is the second given sanctioned topic: Le Modulor.
According to a trustred source, Le Modulor is an anthropometric scale of proportions devised by the Swiss-born French architect Le Corbusier (1887–1965). It was developed as a visual bridge between two incompatible scales, the Imperial system and the Metric system. It is based on the height of an English man with his arm raised. It was used as a system to set out a number of Le Corbusier's buildings and was later codified into two books. (taken from Wikipedia).
Le Modulor was used to achieve harmony in architectural compositions. So, Le Modulor is basically about a system used to determine and achieve the correct and perfect compositions of certain architectural projects. It is basically a measurement of a man. It provides rates of growth and ranges of motion for the waist, neck and all other parts of the body relevant to the design of objects and spaces. This impacts everything from a very simple design of a table to a complex compositions of a car. We need Le Modulor as a guideline towards a better design making.

Wednesday 21 December 2011

- Exhibition Booth 1.3 -

I texted Amiza and told her to meet me at HB3 after class tomorrow for a short discussion on the project.
I did some rough top plan sketches on a piece of paper. Oh and by the way, the area of the booth are limited to 6metres by 6metres only.

We had a simple discussion in Amiza's room. We divided the project into two parts. Amiza will be doing the Exhibition Profile and Concept Board. And I'll be doing the 3D modelling of the booth.

Tuesday 20 December 2011

- Exhibition Booth 1.2 -

So, we have decided to use Amiza's company for the exhibition booth project, which is The Lost World of Tambun. Mine was the Celcom Broadband. At first, we wanted to use Celcom, but then we realized that there were a few groups who did a telecommunication company. We thought that it might be boring thus we decided to do Lost World of Tambun, more 'fun', I guess.

We haven't had a real discussion together for this project due to assignment workloads. But we have the basic rough idea on how it is going to be and looks like.

Saturday 17 December 2011

- Exhibition Booth 1.1 -

So, about the next project. It is about creating and designing a exhibition booth for the product that we used for the bus stop project. It's a pair work, so I guess this is the time I need to learn how to work with people. I'm not that good working with people. I am more comfortable working with myself. (Not a good thing, though),

My partner for this project is Amiza whom I've known since the day I entered MMU but only talked to each other a year later, which was back in the month of June, 2011. :)

Wednesday 14 December 2011

- Exhibition Booth 1.0 -

So, the bus stop project is finally done. But to be frank, I feel like re-doing it. I could do lot better than that but it's already too late. Like I said before, I'm not that satisfied with the final outcome of the bus stop, but still I think I've done a great job. I should be proud of myself.

So yesterday (13th), Mr. Zul briefed about the next project. A project that has something to do with exhibition booth. I will be posting more about it in a few days.

Stay tuned.

Friday 9 December 2011

- Form Follows Function -

The given sanctioned topics for this week is Form Follows Function and Function Follows Form.

According to Wikipedia, form follows function is a principle associated with modern architecture and industrial design in the 20th century. The principle is that the shape of a building or object should be primarily based upon its intended function or purpose.
What I understand is that if certain object or thing has to carry a certain function and purpose, its design must support that particular function and purpose to the fullest level possible.

The definition for function follows form is slightly the same as form follows function's definition. Take a look at this statement : the city of Venice using canals instead of roads. Instead of constructing roads and use them as the main transportation pathways, they used the canals. This is where the principle of function follows form occurs.

Tuesday 6 December 2011

- Bus Stop Submission -

Today, 6th of December 2011, is the submission day for the bus stop. I'm quite satisfied with my work but I believe I can do better than that. Better try next time.

Unfortunately, I misplaced my sketch book for the bus stop so Mr. Zul had to penalized me. No marks for sketch book :(

Need to be more careful next time I guess.

Thursday 1 December 2011

- Done 2.0 -

The final finished bus stop.
I'm quite satisfied with the outcome though I still feel that I can do better than this.
I took me several hours just to paste the seat because there was some problems with the measurement but eventually I managed to put it in pieces and placed it properly and accordingly.